I'm not wild about them, mind you. I mean the difference is not extreme in any way, and even good friends have failed to notice them. But I guess they add a little something to my look. For whatever reason, they help me feel better about me, and that's nothing to sneeze at.
I also have been using so-called "age defying" make-up by Revlon. My former foundation had a matte finish, and although it went on smoothly, it felt dry and mask-like by the end of a day. My new discovery -- "Age Defying Spa" foundation -- looks lovely when first applied and even better as the day progresses. I actually look dewy by evening, but without looking shiny or greasy.
I never would have believed such things were possible if they were claims in an advertisement. In fact, I bought the make-up in the expectation it would give me something to mock. But I guess these companies do occasionally know what they're doing.
Do I look younger now?
I don't know. Over the weekend, while buying beer at a hockey game, the person at the counter said she should ask for for identification because I look younger than 45 (the cut-off age for demanding ID, apparently). But, she continued, she would not demand it, because I clearly am older than 21.
Only five years ago, I was aggressively followed by an employee of a liquor store, who appeared incredulous when I had ID showing that I was not only more than 21, but actually over 4o. I'm not sure that sort of thing will be happening again.
And maybe that's okay.
And even if it isn't, there isn't much I can do about it anyway. I'm not one to even consider face-lifts or botox or anything like that. Indeed, I privately mock the strange-looking women with tight faces, pulled up eyes and swollen lips. I am prepared to age gracefully.
But maybe that's the thing I learned this month -- that it can be done gracefully, with only a bit of effort.
Now, instead of looking in the mirror and cringing, I am looking in the mirror and liking what I see. Sometimes I even smile at myself.
And that definitely makes the effort worthwhile.