So today, I made the bed first thing in the morning -- not because my mother or Martha told me I had to, but because I wanted to give it a try. I stumbled out of bed, washed my face, brushed my teeth, and then returned to bed to nudge my husband out of it. Once he was gone, I pulled up the top sheet and the comforter -- folding the top sheet over the top of the comforter (approximately six inches, as Martha instructs), fluffed and replaced the pillows, and that was it.
The whole thing took maybe 45 seconds. Still half asleep, I was barely aware of any effort.
And although it pains me to say so, the bedroom instantly looked tidier. Even worse, it instantly begat further tidiness, just as Martha had promised. I straightened up the pile of books on my bedside table, opened the window blinds to let in the morning light, gathered up some laundry for the clothes hamper -- and looked back at the room with satisfaction. I think I may even have had an extra spring in my step as I took the dog for her morning walk.
So, it still is my house, my bed and my rules, but it does look better when it's tidy. All I can say is, "Score one for Martha" (and for Mom, too).
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