I had expected the iPosture to do the same thing. I thought it would be constantly vibrating or buzzing, perhaps with increasing strength and increasing annoyance, until I felt I was 11 years old again.
But it isn't like that at all.
In fact, it seems that when I wear it, I work harder to sit up straight, virtually without the vibrating reminders. It seems as it, simply by its presence, I do what I am supposed to (except when sitting on the toilet, apparently, and in my view, it's just fine to slouch there).
And when I do sit up straight, I feel better. Maybe Mom was right, all those years ago. Probably Moms often are.
But the thing I wonder about now is whether the iPosture is truly necessary. While it cost approximately $80.00, I can't help but wonder if a string tied around my finger would have done almost as much. Or maybe I could have switched a ring I wear on one hand onto the other hand instead -- just something to remind me of my renewed commitment to better posture.
Maybe some of you readers will try it out for me. Just try sitting up straight, with your arms at your side. And anytime you happen to notice the string tied around your finger, or the ring on the wrong hand, if you happen to be slouching, just sit up straight again. We can call it brenPosture. And consider it my gift to you.
Yes I took your advice and tied string around my finger.
My posture has been better for the past 3 days, but my finger has turned black and the doctor says I have gangrene.
Can I sue you?
Whoops! I guess I should have provided more detailed instructions. Luckily for me, I sold brenPosture to a huge multinational corporation a few days ago. You could consider suing them, but sadly, they went bankrupt yesterday. It's a good thing you likely still have nine fingers left...
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