On the topic of using fewer sheets, however, I found myself coming to the end of a roll last night. While I might ordinarily just have used up the roll (and put in a new one) at my next sitting, this time, when I counted my squares, the end of the roll actually lasted a few visits more. Amazing.
And when I came to the bare cardboard tube this morning, I remembered a suggestion a friend had for re-using, or recycling, the cardboard tube. She had read of an idea for turning them into a dog toy! 

Apparently you can put some small treats inside the cardboard tube, and then fold over the edges of the tube to close the treats inside. Reportedly, it can be a fun challenge for a dog to get at the treats.
Here's what happened when I tried it.
Olympia sniffed at the roll for a second, immediately determining that there were, in fact, treats inside. Then, she placed a paw over one end of the tube (to hold it still) and bit off the entire other end. Next, she picked up the remaining length of the tube in her teeth (from the closed end) and cocking her head slightly, dumped out the treats onto the floor...and ate them. Then (I swear), she rolled her eyes at me, and walked away -- leaving me to clean up the remnants of the toilet paper roll.
It just goes to show that not all recycling ideas are worthwhile. For more, and hopefully better ideas on being green with your dog, check out this web site - raiseagreendog.com
We're talking beyond recycling - better than recycling. Save money and the Earth and be clean at the same time...yes! Get serious and add Bathroom Bidet Sprayers to all your bathrooms. Available at www.bathroomsprayers.com with these you won't even need toilet paper any more, just a towel to dry off! It's cheap and can be installed without a plumber; and runs off the same water line to your toilet. You'll probably pay for it in a few months of toilet paper savings. And after using one of these you won't know how you lasted all those years with wadded up handfuls of toilet paper. Now we're talking green and helping the environment without any pain.
I think this is brilliant! Use the Charmin and recycle the roll! I had to laugh at the dog treat thing. My dog would have done the exact same thing! Well, I have begun saving my TP rolls as I have just stumbled onto a wonderful recycling idea. The caveat is you have to garden. Here's the link: http://tinyurl.com/amyfek
Remember though: Cardboard is not only recyclable, but it can be composted too. Since snotty handkerchiefs aren't your thing, I don't know how you feel about composting, but that's another earth friendly activity! The best news for you I think is that March is almost over and I'm anxious to see what you've got lined up for April! Keep up the good work Sister!
p.s. here's the blog that has inspired so many of my changes
BOL!! Yes put treats in it, that's wonderful! Thanks for mention my Raise a Green Dog blog! Woofs, Johann
Hi Johann. Olympia says "woof". So you enjoy the treats in the toilet paper thing? Or are you just trying to make the person who thinks she's your alpha feel good?
And hello and "woof" to Pam too! Thanks for reading, and commenting! I would love to compost, but unfortunately have no yard. I even wouldn't mind composting snotty tissues. I actually looked into a city test program where the city will come weekly and empty out individuals' compost pails. But they're not doing it in my area. It must be satisfying to be able to throw out less.
My dog also loves treats in the toilet roll. I think it depends on the size of your dog. My 30-lb terrier is too small to be able to take off the top of the roll in one bite. It doesn't take her all that long to rip the whole thing apart but she does look forward to it.
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