The book Keep Your Brain Alive, by Lawrence C. Katz and Manning Rubin, states that because our lives tend to be fairly routine, much of our day is carried out using a minimal amount of brain energy. The authors suggest turning the brain on by offering it something novel or unexpected, which can include such simple acts as brushing your teeth with your non-dominant hand.
The book, which offers 83 "neurobic exercises" arranged by the way one tends to spend a routine day, begins with waking up in the morning. Since many of us associate the smell of coffee with mornings, the authors suggest waking up to a different aroma. "Keep an extract of your favorite aroma in an airtight container on your bedside table for a week," they suggest, "and release it when you first awaken, and then again as you bathe and dress."
After sniffing a few smelly substances and concluding they would not provide a pleasing way to start my day, I decided to keep a container of cinnamon sugar on my bedside table. A few days ago, I took a whiff as soon as I got up, and it didn't do much for me. Then, after I sleepily let Oly out and groggily got Tom breakfast -- or maybe I groggily let Tom out and sleepily got Oly breakfast -- I considered what to do with the next couple of hours. For the last several days, I had been going back to bed after Tom left for work. We awake at 6:20 every day, and Tom leaves at around 7:15 -- which is a bit early for me. Surely one of the benefits of not working outside the home is the ability to sleep in a bit later than that.

Suddenly my brain went ZING!
Abruptly, I wasn't tired anymore. The bed still looked inviting, but it was clear that sleep was out of the question. I was ready to start my day -- now! And I had a full and busy and successful day. I accomplished far more than usual and didn't nap at all.
Over the weekend, I continued to sniff the cinnamon sugar -- taking huge whiffs of it in the morning -- and continued to be less tired and more active. Saturday, I attended a half-day symposium on adult learning, had keys made, met with the person who is going to manage the rental of our former home, visited two grocery stores and attended the symphony. Sunday, I finally took care of several areas which had remained rather messy since our move and organized the garage, the laundry room and the utility room before attending a hockey game with Tom.
This morning, when Tom left for work and I was already as alert as a sheepdog on patrol, I decided to do some internet research on the whole cinnamon thing. And I discovered several articles reporting that simply smelling cinnamon boosts memory and cognitive function. Ingesting it also apparently can lower blood sugar and cholesterol and even lessen arthritis pain.
My rather limited research pool (just me) indicates that it also helps wake up the brain. Only three days into my resolution, I already feel more alert and am definitely more active.
For the rest of the month, I am going to try more and other exercises to keep my brain alive. But I am also going to stick with snorting cinnamon.
And I would definitely recommend that everyone else with a groggy brain give it a try too!
1 comment:
Oh the power of aromatherapy! As a practitioner and student of aromatherapy I can verify all you have discovered about cinnamon. You can even procure the essential oil cinnamon. (It's considered a "hot" oil because it may inflame the skin so if applied it must be mixed in a carrier oil let me know if you are interested in knowing more) For me, peppermint is my scent (also a "hot" EO) A great way to use these is to place a couple drops on a cotton ball or Q-tip and put them in a sandwich bag. All you need to do is open the bag and take a whiff! For myself I make a spray of filtered water, a touch of vodka, and drops of essential oils and I've a body/room spray.
On another note, those brain games are true! I can't wait to see what new things you discover!
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