
Ventilation Hood Filters?

       I have never claimed to be a mechanical engineer.  So perhaps I can be excused for not realizing that the ventilation hood above my range has removable filters.  
       Martha's Homekeeping Handbook advises that these filters should be cleaned monthly.  I had the hood installed nearly six years ago, and have never done this task, or even thought of doing this task.
       To be fair to myself, I don't use the ventilation hood as much as I should, preferring instead to allow cooking smoke and odors to waft throughout our home.  So let's say I use the hood five days per month, out of a potential 30 days.  Based on those figures, it would surely be wrong to say that I had missed 72 monthly ventilation hood cleanings. Rather, dividing 72 by my truly disproportional disuse of the hood, perhaps I am down to 12 missed cleanings. And I haven't had the hood for six whole years yet! So maybe it can be considered only 11 missed cleanings. And frankly, I travel a lot -- perhaps an entire month in total each year -- so that would reduce the missed cleanings to maybe only ten.  Ten is a nice round, clean number. How bad could it be?
       I removed the filters a few minutes ago, expecting to be able to quickly rinse them under running water and then replace them.  But they were a wee bit sticky, and the blackish gunk in them didn't seem to be coming off at all.  
       So now I'm soaking them in a sink with hot water and dishwashing liquid, as Martha suggests. I think I may have to leave them there for a few weeks.

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